My Stake

My Stake

My stake displays your up-to-date staking information to hep detect changes and catch the chance as soon as possible, also your staking history to help you compare historical data to understand trajectory and plan your stake more strategically.

Staked Collators

Select 'Staked Collators' tab, you can see a list of your stake collators and your current position among all the delegators. You can also delegate or unstake directly here.

For how to delegate, check here.

For how to unstake, check here.

Time Machine

Here's the review of your staking and reward history. The trend chart represents your recent rewards by round over time to help you understand the direction and continuity of your rewards. The leaderboard help you identify which collator contribues more to your rewards.

You can check your staking details and rewards details by switch tabs above. Collator and round selector will help you locate anything quickly.

Last updated