Collator Detail

Collator Detail

When the user enters the Collator Detail page, top 5 Collators of current round and their annual interest rates will be displayed.

After clicking the Collator leaderboard, enter the details page, and the details of the Collator will be displayed. Such as the Collator ranking, the number of Self-Boned, the latest reward amount, and the total reward amount, the Delegator leaderboard under the Collator, etc.

Users can also copy the address to the search box directly query the staking details of the collator.

In addition to providing a click on the collator to jump to this page, it also supports search. You can copy the address of the collator on the leaderboard and reset the input in the search bar.


Select 'Delegator' tab, you will see the staking ranking of the delegate under this collator and its percentage;


Select 'reward' tab, you will see the issued reward records


Select 'action' tab, you will see the action history of selected collator

Last updated