Staking Dashboard


In the leaderboard, you can explore real-time staking data of each protocal. Cumulon not only provides aggregated data but also multiple metrics of each collator to help you select

Expand the collator panel, two mini charts will help you clearly identify the rewards trend and top delegators of each collator.

Below is the data definitions, you also can hover on tip button besides data fields to check:

Collator: Rank by total stake

Min Bond: minimum amount of tokens to delegate candidates once a user is in the set of delegators

Average Blocks: number of blocks which has been rewarded in past 10 rounds( round 65907 - 65916 ). number in the parenthesis is changed as per round.

Current Blocks: Blocks produced in the current round (65927). number in the parenthesis is changed as per round.

Avg RPS: Average rewards per stake.

1. Use data of latest 10 rounds,

2.Get a list of RPS: total rewards of each round / total stake of each round

3. Calculate mean of the list to get Avg RPS

Min RPS: Minimum rewards per stake.

1. Use data of latest 10 rounds,

2.Get a list of RPS: total rewards of each round / total stake of each round

3. Find the minimum of the list

Max RPS: Maximum rewards per stake.

1. Use data of latest 10 rounds,

2.Get a list of RPS: total rewards of each round / total stake of each round

3. Find the maximum of the list

RPS Volatility Score: The volatility of rewards. The less the volatility is, the rewards from this collator are relatively stable.

1. Use data of latest 10 rounds,

2.Get a list of RPS: total rewards of each round / total stake of each round

3. Find the standard deviation of the list

My Stake: my staked amount for this collator

Handy Features

  1. In the navigation bar, you can select a different protocal by clicking 'protocal name' to switch protocal

  1. Use the selector to change the way to measure average blocks. Cumulon calculate avarage number of blocks in past 10 rounds for each collator by default, but you're free to change the data range.

  1. Click address, you can quickly enter delegator profile or collator profile.

  2. Click 'setting' button to customize your chart, Cumulon will automatically remember your settings. Also, after connecting wallet, an additional column called my stake will be available for you to add to your chart.

Staking on Cumulon

On Cumulon, you can simulate your stake to better adjust your staking strateg or manage your stake in one minute.

For how to simulate, check here.

For how to delegate, check here.

For how to unstake, check here.

Last updated