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What is Cumulon?

As PoS is a well-known mechanisms used to reach consensus in a secure and trustless way, many protocals are using this mechanism, and many paiticipants love to be involved to in the staking process to get staking rewards. Paiticants always go through many websites to do their own research and manage staking assets, which is very time-consuming, and the interface of staking is not very user-friendly.

So because of that, we hope to bring data from different protocals together and deliver a data-driven staking platform across multiple protocals to help users explore related data in one place, manage staking assets from different parachains on one platform and make informed staking decisions in a more efficient way. If you're suffering from long-time research on staking, here's Cumulon to help you out!

On Cumulon, you have:

  1. Data comparison among multiple protocals

  2. Staking dashboard of each protocal

  3. Data analysis of my stake

  4. Address profile of collators

  5. Simulation of staking rewards

  6. Manage staking related actions easily

We've supported:

Currently, below protocals are availalbe on Cumulon:

  1. Bifrost

  2. Calamari

  3. Litentry

  4. Moonbeam

  5. Moonriver

  6. Turing Network

We will launch more parachains in the future. Please keep tuned!

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