Labeling Structure

All projects must provide the data to Moonscan with the following predetermined labeling structure:


Where each of the components corresponds to:

  • project: project name. For example Moonwell, StellaSwap, BeamSwap, BeefyFinance

  • contractName: refers to the name of the particular contract for the given address. Please provide something that is descriptive of the contract itself. You can also add any particular version of the contract here. For example RouterV5, Distributor, Factory, anyFRAX, Deployer

  • contractVersion(optional): refers to the deployment version of the particular contract for the given address. For example: V1, V2, V3 - Keep the V capitalized

Project and contract name components must use camel case notation and no spaces. The version will use the capital “V” plus the version number. For example:

JohnDoe: ERC20V3 V1

The following regex will be used to check if the provided labels comply with the required format, if it does not, the projects or smart contracts will be categorized as “Incorrectly labeled”.


Last updated